2025 Membership
St Cocas AC will be using the Athletics Ireland online site for registrations for 2025.
Membership applies from January to end of December.
Renewal of Existing Members for 2025
Renewal emails will be sent out with links to the electronic membership system.
If you have not received an email it may be because the email has gone into a spam or junk folder or because the details we have for you is not correct.
** The club have capped the amount a family will have to pay for membership to €160 so the club benefit is variable.
There is an admin fee of 4.5% of the club membership fee applied at checkout by the online system.
New Members
Little Athletics (those turning 7 or older in the year of registration, born 2016-2018) please email littleathletics@stcocasac.ie to be added to the waiting list for January 2025.
If you are interested in joining the fit4life programme, please email fit4life@stcocasac.ie.
For all other categories, if you wish to join St Coca's AC, you are invited to come along to any of our training sessions to try a session before joining to see if you like it. Please speak to our coaches at training who can provide more information.
If you wish to proceed please follow the procedure below:-
For new members you must follow the following link https://membership.athleticsireland.ie
Create an account (parent or guardian if a juvenile)
Your application will be reviewed by the club.
Once approved you will receive a confirmation email with a payment link from Athletics Ireland.
Please check your junk folder or spam if you do not receive a reply within 24 hours.